NVD support people with disabilities and their families identify and learn to use the technology that will be most effective in meeting their needs.
Assistive Technology Center (ATC)
- The center was established withintheactivitiesofthe project "to support the basic rights and community integration of persons with disabilities " funded by the National Council for Childhood and Motherhood and the European Union.
- It was established in early September2007, and started to receive its beneficiaries beginning of February 2008. This period was used to train strong cadres for the different activities of the center.
ATC Mission:
ATC seeks to empower people with disabilities and their families to have access to technological support and use of related different services developed inside and outside ATC. Through this process ATC aims to support the integration of people with disabilities in their communities and support the freedom of expression to determine their destiny and shape their future and express freely their desires and opinions.
ATC Vision:
An improved standard and good quality of life for people with disabilities from the perspective of rights-based approach and to enjoy well-developed services.
ATC Objectives:
- Development of mental capacity and skills, educational and psychological of disabled people through field and real study of their needs, developing plans for the implementation of the objectives with them, using all ways and means both technological and non-technological.
- Enable people with disabilities to use information technology in creative ways that are appropriate to them to overcome the technological barriers that hinder their use of information technology.
- Enable persons with disabilities to exercise their rights through awareness raising and support in cooperation with the concerned authorities, whether governmental or non-governmental organizations.
- Support the families of persons with disabilities by making available the necessary information in various aspects of health, social, cultural, etc. and to provide moral and psychological support to families by having meetings for the development of relations and exchange of experiences among themselves.
ATC Activities:
- The center receives visitorsand services recipients from various disabilities.
- Forming inclusive groups of children and persons with mental disabilities, people with disabilities and non-disabled people.
- The center receives childrenand people with visual disabilities and serving many of them through different services, such as Braille language training and the development of scientific and academic skills, and training on the use of computers through hardware support program(jaws).
- Form inclusive groups of the deaf and mute in communities for the implementation of courses titled "technological support and human rights for people with disabilities" in order to enable the target groups to use computers and Internet. Also, the center offer sessions to correct grammatical errors in the target groups and develop their ability to speak and communicate with others, and the work sessions to teach sign language to customers with the deaf and mute disabled people.
- The center provides technical support, moral and psychological support to the target families.